Accept/reject exam grade
Versione del 16 dic 2019 alle 15:32 di Dbevilacqua (discussione | contributi)
According to the new Students’ Regulations students are free to either accept or reject the grades received “within 3 calendar days from the publication” of the exam results, even if the last day for their publication falls on a nonworkday.
Warning: if you do not formally reject the grade received, you are giving your tacit consent for it to be submitted for transcription. |
The students will receive an e-mail message to their institutional e-mail box(S<”,) informing them that the exam results have just been published. The same message will appear on the home page of the student’s personal account in ESSE3.
The student’s decision is final and cannot be changed.
To formally accept or reject the grade received, please go to:
1. Exam results board
- Log in in your ESSE3 personal account
- Open the menu by clicking on the icon
- Click on Esami - Appelli
- Click on Bacheca Esiti
2. How to accept or reject the grade received
- Check the data chiusura esame per gli esami presenti nella bacheca, lo studente può esprimere la sua scelta entro la data indicata.
- Cliccare sull'icona
per accedere alla pagina di gestione dell'esito
- Consultare il voto/giudizio inserito dal docente